On the 7th of October, 2010, my heart broke into pieces. I lost my husband of 26 years unexpectedly. He died of a broken heart and I am heart broken. How accurate is an ECG when performing medical check-up? None! He went for his yearly medical check-up 3 weeks before and the ECG shows a normal heart beat but how could he die of an acute heart attack. Actually thinking back, the symptoms were all there. He has loss of appetite and complain of gas in the stomach since June and they did an endoscope. He complain of numbness in his left arm, and they send him for physio. Why? because he is an active sportsman. He play tennis every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On the day he left us, he played tennis in the afternoon. Up till the last moment, my

hubby thought it was gastritis. No one, not even the doctors at Penang Hospital at any moment suspected that
he has heart disease.
Today, I will be celebrating his 54th Birthday. Instead I am greiving. Life is uncertain, only death is.
A healthy looking person at one moment, and the next hour left us forever.
There were so many plans we wanted to do during our retirement years........but all that will become a dream.
For this I would like to dedicate the Metta Loving Kindness to my beloved departed hubby

May he be at peace
May he be at ease
May he be happy
May he be safe