As Salzburg was cold and time was also running short, we decided to skip Zurich and Milan and instead go straight south to Venice. Again we decided to use toll free roads and the GPS again took us along scenic routes up the mountains. I have no idea where we travel but we do reach Venice at around 6.00pm. In Venice we decided to stay at camping ground as parking is expensive and hotel on Venice itself is also expensive. We stayed at camp Fusina which has their own ferry services to take us across which cost only 20 euro for 3 days of unlimited used.
The route from Salzburg to Venice took us through this mountainous road. As you can see, there are snows on the mountains.
Finally in Venice.
Riding on the gondola don't have to be an expensive affair. Its a short ride, i.e. just across one of the bigger canals, and cost only 1 euro. Well, you still have the experiece of riding on a gondola.St Mark square. This is where most of the tourist crowd. Wow, its so crowded even off season. And look at the pigeons here, they are bold and will come to hand if you have bread on it.